Partner Initiatives
The Arts Council has partnered with local organizations to create a variety of public art initiatives, some of which are listed below. The following are Partner Initiatives created throughout the City of Long Beach in collaboration with artists, community members, organizations, businesses, and government officials.

Artist: Celia Ko & Alessandra Moctezuma

Fun in the Sun
Artist: Gregory Navarro Pickens

Unity – Village Pride with Sight High
Artist: Ricardo Mendoza

Open Minds Open Hearts, Buiding the Future
Artist: Eva Cockcroft

Smiles of Paradise
Artist: Guillermo Avalos

The World of Knowledge
Artist: Elliot Pinkney

Paths to Wellness and Recovery
Artist: Trace Fukuhara

Expand Your Mind with Science
Artist: Richard Brandt

Dancers of Life
Artist: Richard Brandt

Reflection of a Child’s Eye
Artist: Guillermo Avalos

Overcoming Barriers
Artist: Alex Poli

Long Beach History Mural
Artist: Art Mortimer

Northern Prominence
Artist: Guillermo Avalos

Together We Soar
Artist: Tracy Negrete

A Life of Possibilities
Artist: Katie Phillips

Wanderer, There Is No Road, The Road is Made by Walking
Artist: Jose M. Loza

The Guardian
Artist: Mer Young

Artist: Marcel "SEL" Blanco

Run, Skip, Jump Long Beach
Artist: Dog Knit Sweater

The Golden Boy
Artist: Bodeck Hernandez

Artist: Jose Martinez