Partner Initiatives

The Arts Council has partnered with local organizations to create a variety of public art initiatives, some of which are listed below. The following are Partner Initiatives created throughout the City of Long Beach in collaboration with artists, community members, organizations, businesses, and government officials.

Duet (Homage to David Smith)

Duet (Homage to David Smith)

Artist: Robert Murray

Homage to Kenn Glenn

Homage to Kenn Glenn

Artist: Anonymous

In Irons

In Irons

Artist: Guy Dill

Window Wall for Cal State Long Beach

Window Wall for Cal State Long Beach

Artist: Robert Irwin



Artist: Tom Vant Sant

White City

White City

Artist: Terry Schoonhoven

The Building, the Port, and the Island

The Building, the Port, and the Island

Artist: Michael Davis

Conductor II

Conductor II

Artist: Bryan Hunt

Bridge to Angel Island

Bridge to Angel Island

Artist: Richard Turner

Lovers Bench for a New Millennium

Lovers Bench for a New Millennium

Artist: Eugenia Butler



Artist: Frederick Fisher

Evening Shadows

Evening Shadows

Artist: Maren Hassinger

Heaven’s Gate

Heaven’s Gate

Artist: Woods Davy