Calls to Artists

Soundpedro Artist Call Presented by:FLOOD

Soundpedro Artist Call Presented by:FLOOD

Soundpedro is an ear-oriented multi-sensory event, presenting numerous artists whose work addresses sound and aural perception in combination with other senses, produced by the Long Beach artist group FLOOD, and hosted by Angels Gate Cultural Center. Submissions are...
Long Beach Community Theatre Artist Call

Long Beach Community Theatre Artist Call

The LBCT is a unique, storytelling theater where the participants are given the same topic and five minutes (or less) to share a true story from their life using any form of performing or visual art they like. From singing or dancing to poetry or spoken word, to...
City of Palm Desert Public Art Open Call

City of Palm Desert Public Art Open Call

El Paseo is the premier shopping street in Palm Desert and the Coachella Valley, located in southern California. The exhibition space consists of eighteen lighted concrete pads located in the medians along a one and one half mile stretch of prime retail. The artwork...
Namaste Open Call Linus Galleries Long Beach

Namaste Open Call Linus Galleries Long Beach

In these confusing times what our souls and society need are meditation, quiet reflection and a good dose of namaste. In this call for artists we would like to see your interpretation of peace. Namaste. DEADLINE FOR THIS CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS:  February 14, 2018...
Femme Open Call for Linus Galleries in Long Beach

Femme Open Call for Linus Galleries in Long Beach

We are inspired by the #MeToo movement to put up this international call for entries embracing and celebrating the female gender. Women are standing up all over the world. They are in the special moment of empowerment. They are finding their voice. In this open art...
Laguna Beach Public Art Open Call

Laguna Beach Public Art Open Call

The City seeks an artist or artist team to design, fabricate and install dynamic, site-specific artwork with the primary goal of creating iconic imagery, unique to the setting and scale of the location that enhances the Laguna Beach experience. Artists should be...
Beyond The Box – Utility Box Murals

Beyond The Box – Utility Box Murals

The Glendale Arts and Culture Commission has issued a CALL FOR ARTISTS to apply to paint murals on City of Glendale utility boxes on March 16 – 18, 2018. Thirteen utility box murals will be painted in downtown Glendale. The CALL FOR ARTISTS closes on February...
Dreamers In Long Beach Open Call

Dreamers In Long Beach Open Call

Lena Gonzales, City Council Person of the 1st District, Long Beach, in collaboration with Street Artist in Residence presents an open call for artists to apply for limited wall space on two 150 ft long tunnel walls located in Downtown Long Beach. Interested parties...
Call for Live Artists for Art in Bixby Park

Call for Live Artists for Art in Bixby Park

Friends of Bixby Park seeks live artists for their Art in Bixby Park events taking place on May 5, June 2 and August 4. They are looking for visual artists who work in spray paint, brush, public art or interactive art. They are looking for skillful local artists to...