Long Beach Exposed

Various Artists

Artists created temporary, site-specific installations to fill this vacant building, which formerly housed a furniture store. This exhibition featured a large-scale installation by the architecture firm Ball-Nogues made from multicolored nylon string draped across the expanse of the main floor. Another feature installation by Kendell Carter created phantom-like figures made from multicolored do-rags.


Additional Artist Details James Adams, Tony Brow, Kendell Carter, Jeff Chabot, Jason Chakravarty, Gioj DeMarco, Desiree DeVirgilio, McLean Fahenstock, MLuM with Karen Crews, Melissa Ficociello, Jeff Foye and Gordon Winiemko, Karrie Hovey, Virginia Kat, Jean Robison, Ryan Ross and Ball-Nogues Studio

Type of Art

Year Completed

Council District

Partner Initiative




Commissioned By

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Funding Source(s)

RDA, Arts Council through the Evalyn M. Bauer Foundation, Bixby Knolls Business Improvement Association

Business Improvement District

Accession Number


If the map screen shows as blank when using Street View, please use the arrows in the map screen to shift the view to an available area.

Address 4321 Atlantic Avenue Long Beach, CA (get directions)

Location Name EXPO Arts Center

Location DescriptionExhibited inside the building

Long Beach Transit Bus Routes


Primary Materials

Additional materialsNylon String

Additional Images

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