El Sol Naciente
Primary Artist: George Le Chavallier
Location: Long Beach School for Adults - Cedar Site
Get ready to explore the many artworks created through Long Beach Parks, Recreation, and Marine (LBPRM). There is a wide variety of programs and services to Long Beach’s community members hosted throughout the city’s 170 parks, 26 community centers, two historic sites, two major tennis centers, a municipal golf system, and the Long Beach Animal Care Services Bureau. Long Beach’s marina is the largest municipally operated marina system in the country with six miles of beach and 3,100 boat slips!
Primary Artist: George Le Chavallier
Location: Long Beach School for Adults - Cedar Site
Primary Artist: Guillermo Avalos
Location: Mary Butler School
Primary Artist: Richard Brandt
Location: Washington Middle School
Primary Artist: Guillermo Avalos
Location: McKinley Elementary School
Primary Artist: Jane Boyd
Location: Cherry Beach
Primary Artist: Celia Ko & Alessandra Moctezuma
Location: California National Guard Seventh Street Armory
Primary Artist: Art Mortimer
Location: 710 Freeway/Cesar Chavez Park
Primary Artist: Art Mortimer
Location: 99 Cent Outlet Plus Pet Supply
Primary Artist: Trinidad (Mikey) Rivera
Location: Jenni Rivera Memorial Park
Primary Artist: Art Mortimer
Location: Orizaba Avenue Tunnel
Primary Artist: Eva Cockcroft
Location: Armory California National Guard/Gumbiner Park
Primary Artist: Eva Cockcroft
Location: Chestnut Market FKA Star's Market