Very Hungry Toucan
Primary Artist: Taylor Cantera
Location: The Guidance Center
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Primary Artist: Taylor Cantera
Location: The Guidance Center
Primary Artist: Richard Brandt
Location: Washington Middle School
Primary Artist: Richard Brandt
Location: Washington Middle School
Primary Artist: George Le Chavallier
Location: Long Beach School for Adults - Cedar Site
Primary Artist: Fuzz Garden
Location: 15th and Chestnut Ave
Primary Artist: Dave Van Patten
Location: WeLabs
Primary Artist: Kenny McBride
Location: Washington Middle School
Primary Artist: Sharniece Chantal
Location: Seaside Park
Primary Artist: Tracy Negrete
Location: 14th St. Basketball Courts
Primary Artist: Drea
Location: The Guidance Center
Primary Artist: Omar R God
Location: Centro CHA
Primary Artist: Anonymous
Location: George Washington Middle School
Primary Artist: Elliot Pinkney
Location: Long Beach School of Adults - Cedar Site
Primary Artist: Steve Martinez
Location: The Packard
Primary Artist: Ben Valenzuela
Location: George Washington Middle School
Primary Artist: Gregory Navarro Pickens
Location: Long Beach Day Nursery
Primary Artist: Mister Toledo
Location: Long Beach Day Nursery
Primary Artist: Jose M. Loza
Location: Seaside Park
Primary Artist: Sharniece Chantal
Primary Artist: Dave Van Patten
Location: WE Labs
Primary Artist: Vanessa Guerra
Primary Artist: Mister Toledo
Primary Artist: Anonymous
Location: George Washington Middle School
Primary Artist: Guillermo Avalos
Location: New City School Long Beach