User Data Enter your email and select a username and password to enable you to maintain your Artist Registry profile. Please record and keep this information for future reference. This information will not be published or publicly available.
Email* Username* Select a username.
Password* Enter a password. Include both letters and numbers.
Strength indicator
Administrative Information This information will be used for the Arts Council to contact you for administrative purposes only. Your contact information will not be displayed on the website.
Administrative Contact Name*
Mailing Address
Artist Registry Information All of the information entered in this section will be publicly viewable and displayed as part of the Artist Registry on the Arts Council for Long Beach website.
Consent to Publish* Original Work* Artist Details Type of Listing* Display Name* Your Display Name is how your profile will be listed in the Artist Registry. This can be your personal name, your artist name, your business name, your group or organization's name, etc.
Artist/Mission Statement* Please include your artist or mission statement here. This area may also include information on your work, your approach, your bio. Maximum 500 words.
Featured Image* This can be a profile shot of you, your work, or a performance. This will be the featured image displayed with your profile. Please ensure it accurately represents your work.
NOTE: This image must be horizontally oriented. It will be displayed at the top of your profile and as your profile's reference picture. No logos.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif. File Title
Headshot/Bio Photo* Please upload a bio photo/headshot of yourself/your group in jpg or png format. No logos.
Group/Organization Details Please list up to ten of the principle members of your group or organization. If available, include the link to each members' individual Artist Registry profile.
Members* Public Contact Information This information will be published and available publicly as part of your profile in the Artist Registry.
Public Contact Name*
Public Phone Number
Public Email Address
Artist Links Please provide links to your professional artist profiles.
Which social networks do you use to display and/or promote your work? Facebook Please list your professional page.
Exhibitions, Performances, and Publications Please list up to five exhibitions, performances, publications, or similar public-facing projects in which you have participated in within the last three years. Examples include, but are not limited to: art shows, music shows, plays, mural installations, published articles, albums, commissions, and awards.
Public Projects About Your Work For each category you select, you are required to provide three samples of your work within that category. Work samples can be images, audio or video clips, or links to published work, articles, etc. Please select examples that best represent you!
Primary Category* Secondary Category (Optional) Genres Please select the genres for your selected category or categories.
Folk & Traditional Arts Genre(s) Literary Arts Genre(s) Performing Arts Genre(s) Visual Arts Genre(s) Primary Category Work Samples Please upload images or provide links for three work samples for your primary category.
Image: upload a .jpg or .png of your work, a performance, etc.
Link: link to a publication, a book page, a review of your work, etc.
Audio/Video: link to videos on YouTube and Vimeo, or audio clips on services like Soundcloud.
Primary Category Work Sample 1* What type of work sample?
Select Image Link Audio/Video
Image | Primary Category Work Sample 1* Please use low-resolution images. Maximum file size is 2MB.
Link | Primary Category Work Sample 1* Please include a link to an example of your work, a published book, an article, a review of your work, etc. (Note: For video or audio links, please use the Audio/Video type.)
Audio/Video | Primary Category Work Sample 1* Please include the direct link to an audio or video track from a service such as YouTube or SoundCloud.
Title | Primary Category Work Sample 1*
Year | Primary Category Work Sample 1
Description | Primary Category Work Sample 1 Maximum 50 words.
Primary Category Work Sample 2* What kind of work sample?
Select Image Link Audio/Video
Image - Primary Category Work Sample 2* Please use low-resolution images. Maximum file size is 2MB.
Link - Primary Category Work Sample 2* Please include a link to an example of your work, a published book, an article, a review of your work, etc. (Note: For video or audio links, please use the Audio/Video type.)
Audio/Video - Primary Category Work Sample 2* Please include a direct link to an audio or video recording of your work, , such as a YouTube link or a SoundCloud link.
Title - Primary Category Work Sample 2*
Year | Primary Category Work Sample 2
Description - Primary Category Work Sample 2 Maximum 50 words.
Primary Category Work Sample 3* What type of work sample?
Select Image Link Audio/Video
Image | Primary Category Work Sample 3* Link | Primary Category Work Sample 3* Please include a link to an example of your work, a published book, an article, a review of your work, etc. (Note: For video or audio links, please use the Audio/Video type.)
Audio/Video | Primary Category Work Sample 3* Please include a direct link to an audio or video recording of your work, , such as a YouTube link or a SoundCloud link.
Title | Primary Category Work Sample 3*
Year | Primary Category Work Sample 3
Description | Primary Category Work Sample 3 Maximum 50 words.
Secondary Category Work Samples Please upload images or provide links for three work samples for your secondary category.
Secondary Category Work Sample 1* What type of work sample?
Select Image Link Audio/Video
Image | Secondary Category Work Sample 1* Link | Secondary Category Work Sample 1* Please include a link to an example of your work, a published book, an article, a review of your work, etc. (Note: For video or audio links, please use the Audio/Video type.)
Audio/Video | Secondary Category Work Sample 1* Please include a direct link to an audio or video recording of your work, , such as a YouTube link or a SoundCloud link.
Title | Secondary Category Work Sample 1*
Year | Secondary Category Work Sample 1
Description | Secondary Category Work Sample 1 Maximum 50 words.
Secondary Category Work Sample 2* What type of work sample?
Select Image Link Audio/Video
Image | Secondary Category Work Sample 2* Link | Secondary Category Work Sample 2* Please include a link to an example of your work, a published book, an article, a review of your work, etc. (Note: For video or audio links, please use the Audio/Video type.)
Audio/Video | Secondary Category Work Sample 2* Please include a direct link to an audio or video recording of your work, , such as a YouTube link or a SoundCloud link.
Title | Secondary Category Work Sample 2*
Year | Secondary Category Work Sample 2
Description | Secondary Category Work Sample 2 Maximum 50 words.
Secondary Category Work Sample 3* What type of work sample?
Select Image Link Audio/Video
Image | Secondary Category Work Sample 3* Link | Secondary Category Work Sample 3* Please include a link to an example of your work, a published book, an article, a review of your work, etc. (Note: For video or audio links, please use the Audio/Video type.)
Audio/Video | Secondary Category Work Sample 3* Please include a direct link to an audio or video recording of your work, , such as a YouTube link or a SoundCloud link.
Title | Secondary Category Work Sample 3*
Year | Secondary Category Work Sample 3
Description | Secondary Category Work Sample 3 Maximum 50 words.
Artist Demographics (Optional) This section is completely optional. This information will be used to connect you with additional opportunities and to help us understand the demographics of our artist community. The information in the Artist Demographics section will not be included in the Registry, published, or available publicly.
Are you interested in providing the Arts Council for Long Beach with demographic information about yourself and how you self-identify? Artist Identity The information in this section will not be published or made publicly available. All questions in this section are optional.
Preferred Pronoun Select She He They Decline to State Not Listed/Other
Not Listed/Other:
Ethnicity/Race Select any/all that apply.
Not Listed/Other:
Age Select Before 1940 1930-1939 1940-1949 1950-1959 1960-1969 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1999 2000-2009 After 2010 Decline to State
Gender Select all that apply.
Not Listed/Other:
Sexuality Do you identify as LGBTQIA?
Select Yes No Decline to State
Disability Do you identify as a person with a disability?
Select Yes No Decline to State
Consent to provide identity information* Comments This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.