
Jamuna Priti

Jamuna Priti offers an uplifting and hopeful message during tumultuous times by reassuring her community through kind words, “I don’t have to be productive to be worthy / I am allowed to take a break from the news cycle / My feelings are real / I am loved by others / My self care helps the world / I offered my best self today.” Use of lavender as the background adds to this overall feeling of calm during the storm which is reiterated using pastel blue, pink, yellow, and green.


Type of Art

Year Completed

Council District

Partner Initiative




Accession Number


If the map screen shows as blank when using Street View, please use the arrows in the map screen to shift the view to an available area.

Address 1133 E 4th St Long Beach, CA (get directions)

GPS Coordinates 33.7719412,-118.185934

Location Name Kleur

Long Beach Transit Bus Routes


Primary Materials


Additional Images

The ArtsLB Public Art Map is provided as a public resource. If you find any discrepancies, please contact publicart@artslb.org.
