
Jaime Molina

Denver visual artist Jaime Molina was chosen to paint a mural for the Long Beach Walls (FKA POW! WOW! Long Beach) 2016 street art festival. Know for his whimsical Folk Art style, Molina illustrates one of his signature characters playing a guitar in a southwestern setting with cacti in the background.
Molina is interested in the fact that every person on the street has a story to tell. Just like people, his character comes to life as he is depicted singing a song about his life.The cactus with a heart represents the people he is connected to and loves. Sometimes he may have an audience and other times not. Regardless, he is sharing his song with the world and it is the viewers chance to stop and listen. Through the artist’s words, “Stories, good or bad can become people’s shadows, they follow everywhere you go and you carry them in your heart. Though the hustle and bustle of the world we live in it’s important to stop and listen to these stories.”



Type of Art

Year Completed

Council District

Partner Initiative




Commissioned By

Accession Number


If the map screen shows as blank when using Street View, please use the arrows in the map screen to shift the view to an available area.

Address 1936 East 4th Street Long Beach, CA (get directions)

Location Name LB United Boxing Gym

Long Beach Transit Bus Routes

21, 22, 23, 151

Primary Materials


Additional Images

The ArtsLB Public Art Map is provided as a public resource. If you find any discrepancies, please contact publicart@artslb.org.