Few things in life are more satisfying than seeing a talented young person begin a career in the arts. But without the right professional connections and hands-on experience, their first and greatest challenge may be just getting a foot in the door. That’s why Creative Long Beach was formed. By empowering future business people, entrepreneurs and thinkers with the tools and resources to become successful leaders, we help them enter successful careers that benefit not just themselves but also the arts community as a whole.
Join us for the first Creative Long Beach Interns in the Arts Luncheon on Friday, March 22, 2019, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at The Reef located at 880 S. Harbor Scenic Drive in Long Beach.
Your support provides California State University, Long Beach’s College of the Arts and Long Beach City College students with semester-long paid internships at Long Beach arts and culture nonprofit organizations. By exposing them to a deeper understanding of arts administration and the role of arts in the community, your contribution helps shape the arts leaders of tomorrow.
To purchase tickets please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/interns-in-the-arts-a-luncheon-benefiting-creative-long-beach-tickets-54939809449?aff=efbeventtix&fbclid=IwAR3IYROP9ZOSYKsFr3R7ERXQNqIZVupjkw0ABP2vt8hvdr-dWvzyXoQz7ds