Go Make Something: Working Through and Beyond the Convergence is led by artist and facilitator Jose Angel Castro. This unique program is both cathartic and productive because of its multifaceted approach.

Go Make Something will include local creative interviews on Instagram Live, virtual community sessions, an open call for local creatives, and community testimonials on creative exploration while at home during quarantine and beyond.

Instagram Live hosted by Jose Angel Castro and features our launch conversation with Rejeana Black follow us on Instagram @artslb and set your notifications on! The Instagram Live program launch and interview conversation starts at 12 Noon on Friday, May 14.

RSVP for our our workshops hosted by Jose Angel Castro and Nancy Woo:

Get It Out: Telling Personal Stories to Find Community

Write It Out: Catharsis Through Words On A Page

Breathe It Out: Mindfulness is Self-Care

Open Call launched July 1 and closing July 31

For more information on Go Make Something visit: artslb.org/go-make-something/