Creative Corps Final Report – Artists

Final Report Instructions

Complete all sections below to submit your final report. For questions, email, or call (562) 204-6104

All submitted files must be named in the following format: “ArtistName_Filename”. Examples:

  • ArtistName_ProjectBudget.pdf
  • ArtistName_MarketingMaterials.jpg

Saving Your Entry

  • Save your unsubmitted form by clicking the Save and Continue button at the bottom of the form.
  • In order to save your data, you must save the temporary link that is displayed below these instructions.
  • Only text and form selections will be saved. Images and other uploaded files will not be saved.
  • In addition to saving the temporary link, we recommend entering your email address so a copy of the link is sent directly to you.
  • We recommend using the Save and Continue button after completing each section in order to save your work.

Submitting Your Final Report

  • Upon a successful submission, you will be taken to a confirmation page.
  • If you are taken to the confirmation page and you receive the confirmation email, we have received your final report.
  • If you are not taken to a confirmation page, your final report may not have been submitted. Usually this means:
    • You may have missed a required field. Please review the application form for any error (noted in red). After resolving the issue, resubmit your entry.
    • If your submission times out or returns a server error, you images may be too big. Please reduce your file size and try again. (Images do not need to have a resolution more than 72dpi or filesize more than 1MB in file). After resolving the issue, resubmit your entry.
  • If you do not receive the confirmation email within 5 minutes of submitting your application, your final report may have not been submitted. Check your spam box, and if you still cannot locate the confirmation, please contact us to confirm your final report was received.

2023-2024 California Creative Corps Artist Final Report


  • As written on your W9 or other legal documents.
  • Name used for marketing, promotion, exhibitions/productions, etc.
  • Please use a daytime contact phone number.

  • Here’s what we would like to know: Please briefly describe the final project. What were your inspirations? What media or methods did you use? How did you involve your partner organization in the artistic process? How did you involve the community?
  • In your original proposal to the California Creative Corps, you were asked to select from a list of Project Priorities that were determined by the California Arts Council. Here’s what we would like to know: Which Project Priority or Priorities did you choose? (a) Public health awareness messages to stop the spread of COVID-19, (b) Public awareness related to water and energy conservation, climate mitigation, and emergency preparedness, relief, and recovery, (c) Civic engagement, including election participation, (d) Social justice and community engagement. How did you apply the selected Project Priorities to your work?
  • Here’s what we would like to know: (1) How did it go?, (2) What did your audience or visitors experience?, (3) How did the project evolve as you worked with your partner and the community?
  • If you are a visual or multimedia artist, what were the exact dates of your exhibition, screening, or sculpture or mural unveiling? If you are a performing artist, what were the dates of your performance or performances? If you are a literary artist, what were your reading and/or publication dates?
  • If your project includes multiple dates/times please add additional lines here.
  • We’re looking for exact addresses. If your project was presented in multiple locations, please list them all. If your project was presented online, please let us know what platform or platforms you used and how you used them. This information is important because we want to see how you leveraged the online realm.

  • This question is important to us because we’d like to continue this program in some form. If there were problems, we’d like to know what they were so that they can be avoided in the future. Your candor is very much appreciated. Here’s what we’d like to know: (1) What worked and what did not work about your partnership?, (2) Were there problems that were eventually worked out?, (3) What steps did you and your partner organization take to help resolve problems?, (4) Did ArtsLB help you to resolve some of the issues?, (5) In what other ways could ArtsLB have supported you?

  • As before, this question is important to us because we’d like to continue this program in some form. If there were problems, we’d like to know what they were so that they can be avoided in the future. Your candor is very much appreciated. Here’s what we’d like to know: (1) Were you able to work successfully with the target community?, (2) Were there problems that were eventually worked out?, (3) What steps did you and your partner organization take to help resolve problems?, (4) Did ArtsLB help you resolve some of the issues? In what other ways could ArtsLB have supported you?
  • (Numeric figure)

  • Since Professional Development played a critical role in the California Creative Corps program, we’d like to know what your experiences were with these sessions. Your answers will help us shape the Professional Development components in future projects. Here’s what we’d like to know: (1) How many sessions did you participate in?, (2) Did the sessions work for you?, (3) What could we do to improve our Professional Development sessions?

  • We are tracking the total number of work hours. That includes the time you spent in meetings, check-ins, professional development, ideation and design of your project, the time you spent working on your project, community engagement, etc. We’re looking for a single numeric figure.
  • The reason we’re asking this question is that the California Arts Council considers $600 to be the threshold for creating a job. It is an important component of the California Creative Corps program. We’re looking for a single numeric figure. If you did not hire anyone over $600, please enter zero.
  • We’re looking for a single numeric figure. If you did not work with anyone, please enter zero.
  • Here is what we would like to know: (1) If you have a specific number, great. But if not, please estimate either a number, or answer with something like weekly, monthly, etc., (2) Please also estimate the percentage of meetings with your partner that were virtual vs. in-person. A rough estimate is fine.
  • Similar to the question about how many times you met with your partner, here is what we would like to know: (1) If you have a specific number, great. But if not, please estimate either a number, or answer with something like weekly, monthly, etc. (2) Please also estimate the percentage of meetings with your partner that were virtual vs. in-person. A rough estimate is fine.
  • (Numeric figure)
  • (1) How many materials did you create?, (2) How were they distributed?, (3) Did they involve languages other than English?, (4) If so, which languages?

  • We are looking for documentation of your project. Definitely include documentation of the final project, but please also show us what happened along the way. Please provide us with high quality images, video, audio, or printed material on a single PDF. What we are looking for: (1) Documentation from final project, (2) Documentation from the process of creating your artwork, (3) Any combination documentation that totals 5 minutes of: (a) Video (embedded links), (b) Audio (embedded links), (c) Printed material (5 pages = 1 minute per page), (d) Photos (10 photos = 30 seconds per page)
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 1.

    • This question is for those who completed their project independently of their partner organizations. If you completed your project with your partner organization, your partner organization will submit the final budget and you can leave this blank. If you are submitting a final Project Budget, please upload it in PDF form.
      Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 2 MB.