Steven Stein

I have been an artist most of my life, My mother brought me often to The Exodus Gallery in San Pedro where I first encountered art. she also brought me to many galleries. I watched my mother’s friends paint and draw. In jr. College I studied Commercial Art, and I always liked printing so I go my first job working as a paste-up artist in a small mom and pop print shop. Eventually I walked into a publishing company in need of an artist and without a portfolio I landed the job which eventually allowed me to become an Art Director for many years.

Now that I am retired as a commercial artist I create my art more for fun but I treat it as if its paid for job. I work and have worked in many mediums. My earlier art is photography which I took a liking to on my trip to France with Louise. Louise became my model in many of my photos. I also took an interest in panoramas before our phones could shoot one for us. I had a show of my work at the main Long Beach Library.

Being I was trained as a graphic artist I have created a lot of art on my computer and during that time My work was wordy and I designed triangle frames and pentagon frames that I made in my living room. I also created some computer generated 3D objects which I manufactured out of paper products.

These days I am drawing with colored pencils on watercolor paper and building cool objects in ceramics. The method I draw with is very time consuming and I have avoided that for some time trying to deneralize some things from my brain. My subject has no meaning and I try to create art that entertains. When Im not drawing I am making smoking pipes and cool objects in ceramics and I’ve learned to love building things right in my hands.

I am one of the few surviving members of the Long Beach Arts Association which started in 1924, mostly non active though we do have a window that we hang art in at the Traffic Mall.


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Contact Information

Steven Stein
(562) 491-5677

Artist Links


Artist Work

The Explanation of String Cheese Theory (2018)
Ceramic piece

Link to The Explanation of String Cheese Theory

The Missing Link (2017)
PrismaColor Pencils on heavy Arches Watercolor Paper. My subject basically has no particular meaning except to cause interest.

Link to The Missing Link

A cool Drink of Water (2017)
PrismaColor Pencils on heavy Arches Watercolor Paper. My subject basically has no particular meaning except to cause interest.

Link to A cool Drink of Water

Steve's Pipes (2018)
Hand made smoking artistic pipes.

Link to Steve's Pipes