To write, direct, and produce film as digital media art to inspire humanity.
COMMERCIAL Leaving Neverland: Seeking The Jackson Truth (2019)
Leaving Neverland: Seeking The Jackson Truth (BeachCityRadio.com)
HBO's LEAVING NEVERLAND.... www.BeachCityRadio.com invites you to view, listen, watch and share an online discussion moderated by Don Amiche with Michael Jackson's Former Defense Attorney Brian Oxman, Geraldine Hughes, Author of Redemption: The Truth behind MIchael Jackson's Child Molestation Allegations, and Michael Jackson's Nurse, Dr. Cherilynn Lee....
Dreamkreator Studio (2019)
Dreamkreator Studio Sizzle Reel
Dreamkreator Studio...home to many unique brands, including BeachCityRadio.com, Rhonda love Productions (RhondaLove.com), Hannibal Media Group (HannibalMediaGroup.com), and more.
US: The Art of Long
Short film by Rhonda Love
US: The Art of Long Beach (Short Documentary Film)
"US: The Art of Long Beach" a short documentary film about the Arts and Artists of Long Beach, CA. Writer, Producer Director, Editor RHONDA LOVE Director of Photography, Lighting, Editor' HENRY CRAWFORD TALENT: Christina Chi Craig Bobby Easton Greg Johnson Jendhare Menetrezz Jose "Dire" Mercado SPECIAL THANKS TO: The City of Long Beach and the Arts Council for Long Beach for their continued support as well as our Friends and Family.
Ur Okay
Digital art by Rhonda Love
"Ur Okay" (Digital Art by Rhonda Love)
Inspirational digital art exhibited May 11, 2019 at Dreamkreator Studio for the Inaugural Arts Council of Long Beach Art Walk.