Noelle Marie Falcis-Math

Noelle Marie Falcis is a creative and academic that has centered her work around the intersection of narrative and performative praxis with cultural theory. Most interested in re-memory, indigenization, and intergenerational language, she pursues storytelling through fictive writing and movement artistry. She uses these dual forms to better understand the diasporic, post-colonized life, and how it has affected her as a Filipina-American. Her fiction explores her heritage and both the desert and city landscapes in which she grew up. Her written work is forthcoming in anthologies: Shades of Prejudice: Personal Narratives of Asian American Women on Colorism in America and the Inlandia Anthology on the Immigrant Experience. She has been previously published in Kartika Review, Hawaii Pacific Review, Riksha Literary Magazine, and VIDA: Women in Literary Arts, amongst others. She is a VONA/Voices Fellow, Lemontree House Alumni, and Tinhouse Writer’s Workshop participant. She is the founder of Gunita Collective, a contemporary indigenous movement-based artists group focused upon the exploration of communal memory via multidisciplinary narratives. They have performed in various venues throughout Los Angeles.




Contact Information

Noelle Falcis-Math
(562) 850-8717

Artist Links


Artist Work

Sister Voices (2019)
Sister Voices is a three-point triangular experience that explores the divine feminine, sisterhood, the act of mothering, and intention womb protection and healing. The piece processes the imagined pre-colonial experience, the oppression of long term colonization, and the eventual contemporary reclaiming of originating, native identities.

Ruminate (2018)
Ruminate showcases the individual stricken by the force of post-colonial, diasporic existence, a critical study upon personal psyche and why mentalities of otherness and isolation surface. The piece hopes to explore the intersectional and universal ways in which isolation is experienced as one strives toward the finding of home.

A Palimpsest of Mythologies (2018)
A Palimpsest of Mythologies is an ongoing photo video narrative project that explores the multi-mythologies that stem from beliefs within the archipelago. It is a way to introduce indigenous narratives as much as it is an exploration of a re-centered focus of the sacred wombyn within our communities.

Below (2019)
“Below” is an excerpt pulled from a larger work-in-progress that reimagines the myth of Magwayen and Lidagat, and correlates it to the violence inherent to the refugee experience through the close scrutiny of a failing marriage after the unexpected death of their only daughter.

Link to Below