Miri Teresa

iAm the statement that engages one to speak up on a Peace of Truth. It’s an element of life not all embrace but still exist beyond comprehension. To define oneself. To be one in one. The mir am I or iAm.
I am a creative being. I enjoy art that portrays a message. Music that entangles the essence of being here right now. I am Mir Teresa. I believe that there are ideas, concepts and situations that demands a declaration. One that holds the iAm of each individual that chooses to peace the puzzle together.
I am interested in building the society we dwell in. There are so many things overlooked that we should take the time to acknowledge. From supporting live artist to encouraging passion in our youth, we must take action on the details in life if we are truly aiming to flourish and succeed.
As Miri Teresa evokes the message of community unity, it is the goal to strive towards iMPACTing our communities, exposing powerful messages, and redefining stereotypes so they will rebuild the minds of society’s truth. It is my mission to proclaim the true essence that art evokes. I create art therapy for veterans, educate the youth with empowerment workshops and create networking utensils to evoke unity amongst entrepreneurs.
My art holds a statement of hope truth and an element of a greater desire to expose positive influence. It is my mission to magnify the being of life. There are roots that set the platform we exist upon. We are like trees creating for the next from the nutrients of our ancestors.

Artist Work

Statement (2022)
Art reflect the power of our breathe: connecting with our inner self

His Sight (2020)
Acrylic, epoxy, on canvas

Is it Just Us? (2021)
Collection of self expression in the middle of the journey

Art4Thoughtz (2018)
Link to blogs discussing social change

Link to Art4Thoughtz

Peace Of Truth

Making statements and discussions about becoming the change I want to see. Check out MiriTeresa.com for more content.