Lucky C Art Collective

As the Lucky C Art Collective, featuring Crisselle Mendiola from Santa Ana, Cheyne Ellett from Pomona, and Cynthia Nava from South Central Los Angeles, we channel our imagination and shared artistic vision into a vibrant tapestry of creativity. United by our alma mater, California State University Long Beach, we merge our distinct backgrounds and perspectives to produce artwork that radiates with color, energy, and storytelling. Drawing inspiration from the our surroundings, communities, and stories that shape our identities, we create each piece with a unique blend of personal expression and collective spirit.


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Lucky C Art Collective

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Artist Work

La Casita Community Center Mural (2023)
Commissioned by the City of Pomona, these murals were created for the community center located in Palomares Park . We illustrated colorful designs that depict flora and fauna from the surrounding area to bring the community together.

Lona Lawson Senior Center Mural (2024)
Commissioned by the City of Pomona, these murals were created for the senior center located in Palomares Park. These murals continue the imagery from the other murals in the park. We illustrated colorful designs that depict flora and fauna from the surrounding area to bring the community together.

Concession Stand Palomares Park Mural (2023)
Commissioned by the City of Pomona, these murals were created for the Concession Stand located in Palomares Park. These murals continue the imagery from the other murals in the park. We illustrated colorful designs that depict flora and fauna from the surrounding area to bring the community together.