Eric Joseph Leffler

Eric Joseph Leffler paints the modern landscape, which is the template for combining his formal interests in color and design with his conceptual interests in climate change, capitalism, and Artificial Intelligence. Inspiration comes not only from architecture, but anywhere that he recognizes patterns in everyday life. These can be objects such as quilts, rugs, and puzzles, but also in the language of human interaction, idiomatic expressions and formulaic manners of speaking. The primary conflict in the paintings is between the colors and patterns of architecture and how they interact with those of nature. Words appear like subliminal messages, disrupting the landscape, and suggesting clues to an ambiguous meaning behind each painting. These words are transmitted onto buildings and names of boats, business storefront and restaurant signs, deteriorated billboards, etc., and combine to form formulaic expressions and tell a history of consumer culture. In this human-less future, robots and A.I. continue functioning on autopilot, comforting no one with their mundane niceties. Remnants of generic human interactions, and optimistic corporate slogans endlessly echo into oblivion. These paintings depict the end result of mankind’s mindless consumption, contamination and destruction of its environment when human innovation is no longer adequate.


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Eric Joseph Leffler

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Artist Work

Babel (2021)
9x12", Oil on Canvas

My Heart Will Go On (2020)
60x24", Oil on Canvas

Most Likely to Succeed (2017)
30x36", Acrylic on Canvas