Bodysport Capoeira

We are an Afro-Brazilian martial art group. Capoeira was born in Brazil during the trans-Atlantic slave trade era. Enslaved Africans disguised their training for self defense in the form of a dance. Our academy is under the grand Mestre Roque from São Salvador, Bahia.




Contact Information

Vanessa Hernandez
(562) 343-6102

Artist Links





Artist Work

MOLAA Demo (2018)
Demo for MOLAA event

Mestre Roque & Bodysport Demo at MOLAA

2/27/18-Had a great time performing at the Museum of Latin American Arts (MOLAA) down the street from us in Long Beach, CA. Thank you to our special guests, Mestre Mumia, CM Varal, CM Cobra and CM Mascara who joined us. Axé!

Queen Mary Demo (2016)
Queen Mary demo

No Title

No Description

Roda on the bluffs- express yourself (2015)
Expression through the arts

Bluffs Roda with Mestre Roque | Bodysport Capoeira

We had a nice roda on the bluffs in Long Beach just for fun. Thank you to everyone that came out! Music: Capoeira by Tonho Materia Video editing by: Eurico (Aranha) Senna --- Visit us at

Berimbau (2019)
Capoeira in public schools

Link to Berimbau