Amy Solis

I embrace the idea that jewelry can be used as a symbol of one’s identity. As a queer, undocumented, gender nonconforming person of color living in the U.S. I center my experiences as a form of empowerment, visibility, and representation. Jewelry and what we express with it can be a way to tug at the edges of the normal and center what’s in the margins, normalizing the “other.” My pieces sit at the intersection of jewelry and the language around identity politics. They decentralize cis-white-heteronormativity and question systems and institutions which have oppressed people who exist in the margins.


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Amy Solis

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Artist Work

Abolish POL(ICE) (2020)
Historically, and through current event, we continue to learn that the abolition of police and ICE, and the abolition of the systems they support, is necessary for the survival of our Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous and People Of Color communities. Abolish ICE. Defund the police. Shut down camps. Open borders.

Link to Abolish POL(ICE)

Latinx Necklace (2021)
Latinx is a person of Latin American origin or descent. Latinx is used as a gender-neutral or nonbinary alternative to Latino or Latina, which are the gendered version in Spanish.

Link to Latinx Necklace

Queer AF Shield Earrings (2020)
In a culture that often tries to erase us, we take up space and we do not apologize for existing. This piece unapologetically embrace the boldness and braveness of being queer out loud.

Link to Queer AF Shield Earrings