Andrea Magolske – Scin Jewelry
I am a Jewelry Artist using metal to create treasures that encourage curiosity and explore our humanity.
Based in Long Beach, I use metal to explore the human narrative and its conflict with the natural world. My interest in art and nature led me to pursue a degree in Landscape Architecture with an Art Minor. To better explore my artistic interests, I transitioned from landscape design to jewelry design and am currently pursuing a certificate in Jewelry Entrepreneurship at Long Beach City College.
With natural forms and patterns in copper I make objects that are designed to encourage curiosity. Guided by an ever-evolving resource vocabulary, my methods and materials adapt, mirroring my exploration of the intricate relationship between the natural and the man-made. These small scale creations posses their own unique stories requiring a close intimate interaction and individual examination.
As I refine my purpose as an artist, my work serves as a testament to the dynamic and complex tapestry of the world we inhabit. Through my work, my goal is to spark awareness and foster conversations about our impact on the world, encouraging reflection on the potential for positive change in our relationship with our environment.