Chasen Wolcott

Chasen Wolcott is an abstract California painter known for capturing qualities of gesture and movement. Thriving within the possibilities of mark making, the artist grew up finding creative lines through surfing, skateboarding, motorcycle racing, and outdoor adventure. As in paintings of Cy Twombly, De Kooning, and Raymond Pettibon, Wolcott’s work pursues a gestural interrelation of autobiography and expressionist sensibility. “Hesitation kills, whether it’s slowly or fast, all depiction requires mental discipline and physical readiness in order to be in attack mode,” he has explained. Born in 1990 in Granada Hills, CA, he received his BFA from Cal State Long Beach in 2014, and went on to receive his MFA at San Francisco Art Institute in 2018. Wolcott currently lives and works in Los Angeles, CA. His work has been shown in group shows at Subliminal Projects and Durden & Ray in Los Angeles, CA, among others.


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Chasen Wolcott

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Artist Work

Make Out My Soul (Bellyflop) (2021)
Acrylic on canvas, 84 x 60"

The Most Beautiful Girls in the Chicken Coop (2021)
Acrylic and colored pencil on canvas, 90 x 82"

Twenty Minutes of Rain (2020)
Mixed media on cloth canvas, 78 x 65"