As the Annual Grant deadline swiftly approaches, ArtsLB is thrilled to offer a series of professional development opportunities designed to help artists perfect their applications. Understanding the importance of a compelling artist statement and high-quality visuals, we have curated two specialized appointment opportunities that cater to these crucial elements. These appointments are your chance to refine your application materials, ensuring you present yourself and your work in the best possible light.

First, we are excited to present the Artist Statement Appointments led by the talented Arminé Iknadossian. These appointments held May 24 – June 13, 2024, are perfect for artists looking to receive constructive feedback and fine-tune their artist statements. A strong artist statement can make a significant difference in how your work is perceived by grant reviewers. Arminé’s expertise will guide you through the process of crafting a statement that is both authentic and impactful. By participating, you’ll gain valuable insights that will enhance the narrative of your creative journey, making your application stand out. RSVP here:

In addition to the Artist Statement Appointments, we are also offering a Photography Appointments with renowned photographer CJ on Wednesday’s and Friday’s, May 24 – June 12, 2024. These appointments are essential for artists who need professional headshots and high-quality images of their artwork. CJ’s expert photography skills will help you capture the essence of your work and present it in a visually compelling manner. High-resolution, well-composed images are crucial for any grant application, as they provide a clear and professional representation of your art. By attending, you’ll ensure that the visual component of your application is as strong as your written materials. RSVP: Booking (

Don’t miss out on these invaluable opportunities to polish your grant application. Time slots for both appointments are filling up quickly, so we encourage you to sign up today. Investing in these appointments will not only enhance your application but also boost your confidence in presenting your work to the grant reviewers. Join us at ArtsLB and take the next step towards securing the funding you need to continue your artistic journey.