Andre Ajibade

Born in Los Angeles, California, Andre Ajibade spent his formative years in Nigeria, West Africa, where he gained a strong passion for history and culture. His own experiences and the current climate politically, have propelled him to make extraordinarily strong statements on social justice issues and racism. Awareness is what his work is about. It is to inform people about the truth in American history and how despite the historical injustices, BIPOC people have also contributed to many of the country’s achievements and accomplishments, which deserve immense pride and respect.



Contact Information

Andre Ajibade
(562) 661-3822

Artist Links




Artist Work

Young Mother and Child (1996)
Oil pastel on illustration board A young mother crosses through a flood while her child, feeling safe, sleeps wrapped around her back.

Relay to Equality and Justice (2022)
Oil on canvas Legendary Olympic track figures race to triumph despite racism, injustice and inequality.

Under Cover (2017)
Oil on canvas A depressed person hides under cover after emotional eating