Jose “Steam” Martinez

The year was 1989 at the age of 12, I was introduced to aerosol art; Through a mural project at Franklin Middle school in collaboration with Homeland Cultural center. That was a life changing experience that inspired me to pursue a career in art. Throughout the years I have completed over 200 murals across the globe. I am inspired by what I see happening in the community, in music and culture. I am a visual artist that has a passion for graffiti art, graphic design, printmaking, illustration, fashion design, cultural art, and mural art. My mission is to inspire others to create art.


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Contact Information

Jose Martinez
(562) 233-7076

Artist Links


Artist Work

Fox Studios, Rosarito Mexico (2018)

UTI 30th Anniversary Wall (2017)

Cambodia Town Mural Project (2017)

Fox Studio/ Rosarito Mexico (2018)